Saturday, November 28, 2009

Shopping done...

Well I am all done with my Christmas shopping. Finished up yesterday during the busiest shopping day of the year. I am so excited b/c now that shopping is done I can focus on getting pregnant on the 11th of December. And I got everything my 11 year old and 7 year old wanted so even better :).

Also I added in my estrace pills and climara patches today. I put a new patch on once a week and for right now I am on 2mg of estrace. I will increase it in a week to 4mg then 6 mg right before transfer. Its all moving along now. I started my Lupron bleed today and I go back to the doctor on the 8th. I will update again after my doctor appointment.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Doctor Appointment

I had my first doctor appointment today. It went great. I had an U/S and she said I had no cysts and my lining looked great. We are right on track for a successful transfer. I took my last BCP today and tonight will be my last lupron at 20 ml. I drop Lupron to 10 ml tomorrow and add in estrace this weekend. Next doctor appointment will be Dec 8th that will be my final appointment until transfer :). I am so excited.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Three down ...Lots to go

I have done three Lupron shots so far. The needle as I remembered is not that bad. But I did forget that the medicine itself burned after going in. I get these red blotchy patches around the injection site and it burns like I have put icy hot on my skin. But like I have told my hubby , "it will all be worth it when we get pregnant" so I just keep my eye on the prize.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lupron time...

Well today I officially start preparing my body for my babies. I start Lupron tonight. I will do it at about 930 b/c I have class till 9. I am so excited to finally begin our journey. In 3 1/2 weeks I will be pregnant again. Yippee!!! Gotta get ready for work will post more soon.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Natives are getting restless

So it is my conclusion that the "natives are getting restless" with only a few days remaining before I begin my Lupron it seems like me and my DH have fought about ridiculous things. Tonight we fought b/c the neighbor was being loud. Why you ask would WE fight over the neighbor. I don't know. It happened like this. I walk in , DH is mad b/c the neighbor is being loud and yells at me. I say what do you want me to do? He says nothing but that he doesn't like my passive "I don't care " attitude. anyhow we are better now and I asked if he was stressed he said yes so I am trying to be understanding. Its a struggle for all of us. Hopefully it will all be OK in the end. More to come as the cycle begins.

Monday, November 2, 2009

waiting is hard to do

So it feels like November 17th will NEVER get here. I start my lupron on the 17th and that is when I feel like I am actively doing my cycle to get my embryo(s) home. After much discussion about whether or not we will transfer one or two. We are finally comfortable with the answer of two. My DH has agreed that we are the type of people that will do whatever it takes to make our family work and if means clipping more coupons or whatever we will do it. So on December 11th we will transfer 2 and hope for one healthy baby ..BUT if we get twins it is no longer the end of the world and I am not worried about that.

I hope the next month FLIES by so my baby(ies) come home to my uterus and snuggle in for a long healthy nine months.