Thursday, December 24, 2009

End of the road

Well the bloodwork came back with a BFP of only 7.6 so not much room for hope and then the repeat bloodwork 2 days later (yesterday) came back and the number had dropped. So tjis is the end of the road for us. We cant afford any more treatments and have no chance of conceiving without IVF. Thanks for reading my posts.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Blood work...waiting on results

Well after many HPT's that said NEGATIVE I am having my blood work done a day early b/c I am sick and need medicine. The doctor of course wants to see if this FET worked before advising what medicine to take. So I went to the doctor and gave my blood. I am waiting on the results but dont remain hopeful as just this morning it was negative.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Transfer and bed rest day 1

Ok so yesterday was transfer day. Our appointment was at 3:00 pm. I was told to be there about 15 minutes early with a full bladder. I did as I was told. The problem is my bladder is a big bladder that doesn't feel full until its over full. So I stopped drinking when I thought it should be full. And then they didn't take me back until 320!!! So there I was really uncomfortable and they finally come in and do the transfer. I was told that out of my 3 snow babies 2 made the thaw. I was a little sad by this b/c I was hoping to have to only thaw the straw with 2 and have one still for back up. But that didn't happen so we just have to hope this time works b/c its our last shot. So after the transfer I have to lie there for an additional 30 minutes which was pure HELL!! I almost peed on the table i had to go so bad. Finally we got to get up and go home. The clinic is 3 hours away so DH had to drive us home stopping every 50 miles to pee again LOL. So now I am home and on bed rest all weekend. I am just trying to not read into EVERY sign/ symptom like last time. BETA test is on Tuesday Dec 22 heres hoping for a BFP!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Doctor Appt 2

So the doctor called and moved my appt from Tues to Monday. My lining needed to be at least 7 and it was 9!!! YAY!!! My estrogen was good so we are clear to proceed with transfer on Friday. I talked with them and they are going to first thaw the straw with 2 and if one of them dont make it then we will that the last one in hopes of getting two embryos to transfer . So jsut a few more days then I will be PUPO. (pregnant until proven otherwise)

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Well I got a call from the doctor today. I will take the first of 4 hCG booster shots tomorrow. My doctor appointment has been moved up from Tuesday to Wednesday. I will start my prometrium on Monday as well. So things are moving along now. I will find out next week the exact time of my transfer on Friday. I am so excited I can barely stand it. Next week cannot go fast enough.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Shopping done...

Well I am all done with my Christmas shopping. Finished up yesterday during the busiest shopping day of the year. I am so excited b/c now that shopping is done I can focus on getting pregnant on the 11th of December. And I got everything my 11 year old and 7 year old wanted so even better :).

Also I added in my estrace pills and climara patches today. I put a new patch on once a week and for right now I am on 2mg of estrace. I will increase it in a week to 4mg then 6 mg right before transfer. Its all moving along now. I started my Lupron bleed today and I go back to the doctor on the 8th. I will update again after my doctor appointment.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Doctor Appointment

I had my first doctor appointment today. It went great. I had an U/S and she said I had no cysts and my lining looked great. We are right on track for a successful transfer. I took my last BCP today and tonight will be my last lupron at 20 ml. I drop Lupron to 10 ml tomorrow and add in estrace this weekend. Next doctor appointment will be Dec 8th that will be my final appointment until transfer :). I am so excited.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Three down ...Lots to go

I have done three Lupron shots so far. The needle as I remembered is not that bad. But I did forget that the medicine itself burned after going in. I get these red blotchy patches around the injection site and it burns like I have put icy hot on my skin. But like I have told my hubby , "it will all be worth it when we get pregnant" so I just keep my eye on the prize.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lupron time...

Well today I officially start preparing my body for my babies. I start Lupron tonight. I will do it at about 930 b/c I have class till 9. I am so excited to finally begin our journey. In 3 1/2 weeks I will be pregnant again. Yippee!!! Gotta get ready for work will post more soon.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Natives are getting restless

So it is my conclusion that the "natives are getting restless" with only a few days remaining before I begin my Lupron it seems like me and my DH have fought about ridiculous things. Tonight we fought b/c the neighbor was being loud. Why you ask would WE fight over the neighbor. I don't know. It happened like this. I walk in , DH is mad b/c the neighbor is being loud and yells at me. I say what do you want me to do? He says nothing but that he doesn't like my passive "I don't care " attitude. anyhow we are better now and I asked if he was stressed he said yes so I am trying to be understanding. Its a struggle for all of us. Hopefully it will all be OK in the end. More to come as the cycle begins.

Monday, November 2, 2009

waiting is hard to do

So it feels like November 17th will NEVER get here. I start my lupron on the 17th and that is when I feel like I am actively doing my cycle to get my embryo(s) home. After much discussion about whether or not we will transfer one or two. We are finally comfortable with the answer of two. My DH has agreed that we are the type of people that will do whatever it takes to make our family work and if means clipping more coupons or whatever we will do it. So on December 11th we will transfer 2 and hope for one healthy baby ..BUT if we get twins it is no longer the end of the world and I am not worried about that.

I hope the next month FLIES by so my baby(ies) come home to my uterus and snuggle in for a long healthy nine months.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

BCP begins

Well as of yesterday i took my first BCP to prepare my body for my Dec 11th FET. The situation with my son is better and things are finally looking up. I cant wait for Dec to get here.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Excited at the possibilities

Well I think we may have all the issues worked out with my youngest son and therefore can continue forward with our FET in December. I am so excited b/c not only will my stress be greatly reduced soon my husband is getting excited too. Yesterday he asked when we get to start again and I said Dec transfer if that is ok with him. He said (and i quote) "the sooner the better" Woohoo I am so excited at the possibility that by christmas I will be pregnant and giving the best gift possible to my husband. More to come.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Well no miracles so we are waiting. We will hopefully be doing the Nov/Dec cycle. Which will put me at a transfer of Dec 11. and Due around the end of August. So in the mean time I will focus on classes and get as m uch done as possible so I can take the Fall term off.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Sometimes in life tough decisions have to be made. Well that is what I have done today. I have decided to postpone my FET. There is some stress going on at home and I feel like it would be hard to get and or STAY pregnant with all the stress going on. DH and I talked and we both agreed that its just for the best to not continue forward at this time. We are going to leave them on ice and hopefully by December we will be ready to proceed forward. Unless some kind of miracle happens between now and Tuesday (that is when I am supposed to start my Lupron) then we are on hold for now.

More to come soon....

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tough decisions

Well in a little over a week my FET cycle will finally be under way. I will be starting my Lupron shots. That marks the beginning of the cycle and I can hardly wait. However, it comes as a bittersweet time because as of right now if both embryos take my DH has said we cannot afford twins and we will have to do selective reduction. I am hoping that we dont have to cross that bridge and we get just one beautiful baby from that transfer. But if we do get twins I hope and pray that he changes his mind and lets me keep both of them. I know that I will do anything it takes to make it work and I really hope he changes his mind.

Well that all for right now ..... best of luck to anyone trying.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Getting current

Well I have decided I would Blog my experience with IVF and the creation of life. But in order to bring you current I should give you my past. I am a 30 (almost 31) year old mother of 2 boys ages 11 and 7 from a previous marriage. After the birth of my second son I had my tubes tied. Well burned in multiple places actually. Because of how the surgery was done it was not reversible. I know this because when I got divorced and moved on to a new relationship. We talked about having a child together. Well after much research we discovered the only way would be through IVF. Now because my husband is my soul mate and best friend I want nothing more than to give him a child of his own. Even through my complete and utter fear of needles I continued on with IVF in April/May 2009. The doctor felt optimistic given my age and all other thing considered. Well come retrieval time we were able to retrieve 10 eggs. I was sure I would have made more than that but the doctor seemed pleased. The next day we got our fertilization results and 8 of my eggs had fertilized on their own (no ICSI needed). The doctor decided we would do a 5 day transfer. So 5 days later we went in for transfer. We had 4 beautiful blasts that had made it. We decided to be conservative and only transfer one. I was obsessed waiting to find out if it had worked. I started to POAS at about day 5 after the transfer. Well it came out negative. So then day 6 it came up POSITIVE!! I was elated. I went in to the doctor for confirmation on day 8 via a blood test. My BETA came back at only 39.5. I felt like it was low but the doctor seemed unconcerned. Two days later another blood test confirmed my BETA doubled and the doctor was pleased. She wanted to do one more test a week later, which they said they would be happy with anything 500 to 1000 and it came back 1941 :) !!! So I stopped worrying and started to get excited. We had an U/S scheduled for a week later. Well this is where this happy story takes a downward slope. The U/S showed no an empty sac. So more blood work for me. Well to my surprise my BETA came back at over 14K. So the doctor suggested we do more in 2 days. Which it came back at over 18K. We remained cautiously optimistic and scheduled another u/s for the next week. Well sadly the sac still showed no baby. At 8 weeks pregnant it ended with a D&C. Now we are current. We had 3 frozen blastocysts still so we are moving on to completing a frozen embryo transfer. I am excited to get going. But I dont begin my cycle until 9/15/09. That is when I begin taking my Lupron injections. I will blog my journey and hopefully my pregnancy from here on out. Thanks to everyone who read this all the way down. the next one will not be so lengthy.